Wednesday, 02 October 2019
Categories: Blogs Resources

Every time you head in for a job interview, you want to make a strong impression. The impression you make during a job interview determines whether the company will offer you the job or pursue someone else. If you want to make a strong impression on your potential new employer, make sure you’re following these critical steps during your job interview.


Step One: Research the Company Before the Interview


Never go into a job interview unprepared, especially if it’s a company you really want to work for. Candidates who have little-to-no knowledge about the company before the interview often come across as unprepared and not genuinely interested.  Not only should you research the company’s history and mission but examine their current client base or current projects. Research the firm’s current employees and try to get a feel of the company’s culture before you walk into your interview.


Step Two: Dress Appropriately and Professionally


During your research, you probably got a good idea of the company culture. You might even have gotten a look at what other employees typically wear on the job each day. Even if the company appears very casual, don’t dress down for an interview! It’s better to be overdressed in a professional outfit that makes you feel confident. That confidence will bleed over into the interview.


Step Three: Practice Some Questions


Before the interview, take the time to research some of the questions that interviewers are most likely to ask–both generic interview questions that you could see for any profession and the more specific questions you’re likely to see in your industry. You don’t want to come off as rehearsed, but you should have a solid idea of what you’ll say.


You might want to think through common questions like, “Give me an example of a time you had to handle a stressful situation at work”, or, “Explain a time when you’ve made a mistake and how it worked out,” or, “Explain what skills you will bring to the company.”


Step Four: Put Together a List of Your Questions


At the end of the interview, most interviewers will give you a chance to ask questions of your own. You want to show that you’ve done your research. Therefore, you shouldn’t ask questions about common knowledge that’s easily available on the internet. Instead, ask any questions that you genuinely have about the company or that display a deeper interest. Ask questions like:

  • “What do you like about working here?”
  • “What will a typical day look like as an employee of this company?”
  • “How would you describe your company culture?”


Asking the right questions can show your interviewer that you’re serious about working for the company.


Impressing your interviewer is a tough task. They may already have seen several candidates for the job. If you are the first candidate they’ve seen, you want to make sure you make an amazing impression. With these strategies, you can help yourself stand out from the crowd.

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