Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Categories: Blogs Resources

When you’ve applied and interviewed for multiple positions and received offers from more than one firm, it can be difficult to choose between two strong job opportunities. It’s important to be strategic in which job you choose to go with. While a higher salary may be enticing, there are many other factors to take a look at before you accept.


Get All the Information on Both Offers

While looking at both offers, make sure you have all the information you need in order to make an educated decision. If you need to know more, list the questions you have for each employer and ask in one concise email. While a potential employer should be tolerant of a couple of clarifying questions, multiple emails asking questions looks scattered and unprofessional. It’s best to not make it look like you’re trying to decide between two different companies.


Weigh the Benefits of Each Position

A new position isn’t just about salary. There are certain aspects of a position that may make it better or worse depending on your own personal situation. What matters most to you in a position? Do you need a good health plan for your family? Do you need to be close to home? Is the opportunity to work from home important to you? These are factors that weigh differently on everyone, and don’t necessarily hold the same value as compensation does. Consider the following when weighing job offers:

  • Salary
  • Benefits
  • Workplace culture
  • PTO and leave
  • Hours and flexibility
  • Commute or location
  • Opportunities for growth


Aside from these concrete factors, you should also consider the company’s mission, your role, and what you’ll be doing. A higher salary sounds great, but if you’re more passionate about the other company or position, you may be happier there.


Write it down

If you’re having a tough time evaluating the pros and cons of each position, write them down! Making a side-by-side list of the reasons you prefer one job over the other can be a great way of visualizing the situation. If your thoughts are jumbled up in your head, writing them down can provide clarity.

You may see that the list of pros for one job is much longer than the other once you compare them side-by-side. There may not be one solid factor that influences your decision, but a bunch of smaller ones that contribute to one position being a better fit for you.


Consider the future

When you look at two different positions, think about where you want to be in 5 or 10 years. Though one position may pay more now, the other may offer more upward mobility through the company. Depending on what’s most important to you, a solid career path may be a better option than a position that pays you more now. Make sure you know what’s possible at each company. Even if this position is only a steppingstone for a future job, consider the other opportunities each option would open up for you.


Trust your intuition

Sometimes your intuition knows better than the facts. Were you able to connect with the people who interviewed you? Do you see yourself fitting in at each company? If the facts point towards one choice, but you’re fighting to convince yourself to choose the other, it may be your gut telling you something. Culture is incredibly important to your happiness and success at a company. If one company doesn’t sit right with you, don’t shrug that feeling off! Listen to your gut and make a decision that’s going to benefit you most in the long run.


Accept and Deny Job Offers Gracefully

Each company deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Though it’s important to ask follow up questions and find out as much as you can about each position, it’s also important to make sure you’re not wasting anyone’s time while you make your decision. When you feel like you’re certain, make sure you communicate your choice to each company in a timely manner.  Contact the company whose offer you’re accepting first and once everything is official with that firm, reach out to the company you’ll be turning down.



Remember, having two different job offers is a good thing, so don’t stress yourself out too much. Keep in mind what’s important to you to make you fulfilled at work and choose the best fit for you. Looking for open positions? Contact Atlantic Group Recruiters for help finding your dream job.

Contact us today!

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