Tag Archives: New Job

How to Navigate a Career Change

Transitioning to a new career can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. In a world where technology and market demands constantly evolve, many individuals contemplate a change in their professional path. Whether motivated by a desire for personal growth, pursuing a long-held passion, or adapting to industry shifts, embarking on a career change requires careful planning and a proactive approach. Here are some valuable pointers to consider.

Weighing options for a potential career change

Assessing Your Current Situation:

Take the time to delve deeper into the self-assessment process. Reflect on your values, passions, and what truly motivates you. Consider what aspects of your current career are fulfilling and what areas leave you feeling unfulfilled. This introspection will help you align your new career choice with your personal values and interests.

Research and Exploration:

Expand your research beyond just industry and job market trends. Dive into specific roles and positions within your chosen field. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities, required qualifications, and potential growth opportunities. Conduct informational interviews with professionals working in your desired field to gain firsthand insights and advice.

Acquiring New Skills and Education:

Identify the specific skills and knowledge needed for your new career path. Explore various learning options, such as attending workshops, enrolling in university or college programs, or pursuing online courses. Take advantage of the vast array of resources available on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning. Additionally, consider seeking out volunteer or internship opportunities to gain practical experience in your desired field.

Building a Support Network:

In addition to mentors, professionals, and career coaches, expand your support network to include individuals who have successfully made similar career transitions. Connect with online communities, attend industry events, and join networking groups to meet like-minded individuals. Engage in conversations, ask for advice, and learn from their experiences. Building a strong support network will provide you with guidance, encouragement, and potential opportunities throughout your career change journey.

Crafting a Compelling Personal Brand:

Developing a strong personal brand is important when making a career change. Start by revamping your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that demonstrate your suitability for your new field. Leverage social media platforms to showcase your expertise and engage with industry professionals. Consider starting a blog or contributing articles to establish yourself as a thought leader in your new field. Building an online presence will help you attract the attention of potential employers and collaborators.

Taking Action and Embracing Challenges:

Embarking on a career change requires courage and perseverance. Be proactive in seeking opportunities, whether it’s applying for job openings, attending industry events, or contacting professionals for informational interviews. Embrace challenges and be prepared for potential setbacks along the way. Stay focused on your long-term goals and maintain a positive mindset throughout the process. Remember that every experience, even if it doesn’t go as planned, can provide valuable lessons and contribute to your personal growth.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

Salary Negotiation Tips For Job Seekers

Maximizing your earnings through salary negotiation may seem like a daunting task, but applying proven tactics can make you a more confident negotiator which can lead to better results.  Whether you’re in the midst of a job search or seeking a raise, knowing how to negotiate can increase the chances of getting what you want.  Here are some valuable pointers to consider.

Candidate using a laptop to research industry standards and determine their worth for salary negotiation

Research the Industry Standard

Prior to negotiating your salary, it’s important to research the industry standards for the position. This will give you an idea of what your peers are earning and ultimately what your market value is. You can utilize resources such as Glassdoor, Salary.com, and Payscale to gather data on the market value of comparable positions within your industry.

Know Your Worth

Once you have an idea of your market value, you need to determine what you believe your worth is based on your specific experience, skills, and qualifications. Consider what value you can bring to the company (or have brought) to decide this, and how much you would be willing to accept as a minimum salary so you know your negotiating parameters.

Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to negotiating your salary. You need to believe you are worth the amount you are asking for and clearly articulate those thoughts confidently. The employer may be less likely to take you seriously if you’re not confident and articulate with your argument.

Be Flexible

While it’s important to be confident, it’s also important to be flexible. If the employer is unable to meet your salary expectations, be willing to negotiate other benefits such as vacation time, remote work, or bonuses.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Negotiating your salary or requesting a higher compensation package can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s important to advocate for yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and be prepared to work towards a mutually beneficial agreement that satisfies both you and your potential employer. You won’t know what’s possible unless you ask.

Practice Makes Perfect

The skill of negotiation is a valuable asset that can be refined through deliberate practice. By consistently practicing with friends, family, or a professional coach, you can increase your confidence and become more comfortable with the process, increasing your likelihood of success.

Follow Up

Following up with the employer after negotiating your salary is important, whether you’re asking for a pay raise or requesting more money after receiving a job offer. By sending a brief and gracious note expressing your gratitude and enthusiasm for the role, you can demonstrate your commitment to the job and showcase your professionalism. This simple gesture not only increases your chances of success but also reinforces your standing with the employer.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

Why is Learning JavaScript Essential in Software Engineering?

Why is Learning JavaScript Essential in Software Engineering?

JavaScript, in use for nearly three decades, remains one of the most popular programming languages. It still sees wide use in web development, providing a scripting framework to add interactivity to web pages. JavaScript also lies at the heart of many current development libraries, like React.js and others.

JavaScript software engineering

So let’s take a closer look at the continued importance of JavaScript in the software engineering world. The language also serves well for teaching new developers the concepts of software development, especially in building enterprise-level web applications. Notably, hiring managers still regularly search for programmer candidates with relevant skills and experience in JavaScript.

JavaScript is Easy to Learn

JavaScript remains an easy-to-learn programming language, making it a good choice for those new to software development. The syntax shares many similarities with more complex languages, like C++, C#, and Java. This means learning JavaScript makes it easier to grasp those other programming languages as you advance as a programmer.

JavaScript Libraries are Essential for Modern Web Development

As noted earlier, a variety of frameworks or libraries used in interactive web development rely on JavaScript. When combined with HTML 5, this makes building modern web applications easier, helping you become more productive. So after learning JavaScript, make it a point to also learn some of the frameworks discussed below. 

These frameworks include Angular, Vue.js, and the previously mentioned, React.js. This knowledge helps increase the demand for your emerging JavaScript skills throughout the software development world. This remains the case even with a programming language with nearly 30 years of use in the industry.

Open Source JavaScript Libraries Reduce the Cost of Web Development

Significant other benefits of JavaScript libraries also add to the language’s popularity within the technology industry. For example, they are usually open source and free, reducing the cost of web development for businesses. At the same time, this also makes it easier for you to learn each framework on your own time. So, create a cool website to get noticed by hiring managers.

A strong JavaScript community also makes software development easier. Programmers regularly leverage this resource for different libraries to perform a variety of development tasks. For example, there’s even a library making it easy to build navigation bars and other similar UI features. Once again, if you want to enter the programming field, consider learning JavaScript as your first language.

Start Your Career

If you want to build a career in software development, connect with the experienced recruiters at the Atlantic Group. As one of the top technical staffing agencies in New York City, we know the companies looking for new programmers. Contact us!

Temporary Consulting Position

The Benefits of Working in a Temporary Consulting Position

If finding permanent work with a great company seems difficult, have you considered a temporary consulting job? Both short-term and long-term opportunities exist for professionals with the right skills and experience. In fact, some businesses use temporary contracts as an opportunity to vet someone before extending them a permanent offer.

Let’s take a look at some of the meaningful benefits of temporary contracts. They provide professionals with both career flexibility and lucrative earning potential. If you want the opportunity for a unique career path, explore the possibilities of working as a temporary consultant.

Add Flexibility to Your Career

Working on temporary contracts adds a significant amount of flexibility to your career. Focusing on short-term opportunities (lasting a few weeks to a few months) offers more freedom compared to long-term contracts. Those longer-lasting positions might run from six months to even one or two years.

A succession of short-term jobs exposes you to different office cultures and technologies. This experience ultimately makes you more versatile as a professional. It also provides the chance to build a robust professional network, which offers great benefits to any career. Your network serves as a useful source for career advice or even a lead about a new contract opportunity.

Enjoy Lucrative Compensation Opportunities 

Contracts as a consultant – both short-term and long-term – tend to pay a higher rate compared to full-time employment. At the same time, you typically don’t receive paid vacation or other benefits. In many cases, earning higher compensation as a consultant more than makes up the difference. If you are relatively new to your career, consider consulting as a significant revenue opportunity.  

Forge an Exciting Professional Life as a Consultant 

Working as a consultant provides you with the potential to build an exciting career filled with variety. You get the chance to interact with different people, cultures, and projects. As noted earlier, this provides an opportunity to build a robust professional network to benefit your career.

Try Out a Company Before Potentially Accepting a Permanent Offer 

We previously mentioned companies sometimes use contracts to test someone before extending them a full-time offer. Well, the reverse of this approach is also true. Use a temporary contract to see if you fit in with a company before accepting a potential offer. Again, this strategy gives you the flexibility to build a rewarding career filled with intriguing work.

Looking For A Job?

If you are interested in a consulting opportunity, contact the team at the Atlantic Group. As one of the top staffing agencies in New York, we know the companies looking for talented candidates. Connect with us at your earliest convenience.