Tag Archives: Job Seekers

Hiring for Fit: 7 Attitude Traits to Assess in Job Candidates

When it comes to hiring the right candidates for your company, skills and experience are crucial, but so is attitude. A candidate’s attitude can significantly impact their performance and how well they fit into your company culture. See the seven key attitude traits that employers should assess in job candidates to ensure they are the right fit for the role and your team.

7 Attitude Traits to Assess in Job Candidates

1. Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is infectious and can improve the overall workplace atmosphere. Candidates with a sunny disposition tend to approach challenges with optimism, making them more adaptable and productive. Look for signs of positivity in their responses, body language, and how they handle adversity during the interview.

2. Adaptability

In a rapidly changing business world, adaptability is a highly valuable trait. Candidates who are open to change and can quickly adjust to new circumstances are more likely to thrive. To evaluate adaptability, ask candidates about their experiences in situations where they had to change course or adapt to new processes.

3. Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and remain focused on goals. Candidates who are resilient can handle criticism, stress, and disappointment without losing motivation. Explore their past experiences and challenges to gauge their resilience.

4. Collaborative Nature

The ability to work effectively with others is essential in most workplaces. Look for candidates who can demonstrate strong collaboration skills. You can assess this by asking about their experiences working in teams, their approach to conflict resolution, and their communication style.

5. Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning. Candidates with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace challenges and improve over time. Ask about their approach to personal and professional development to identify a growth mindset.

6. Accountability

Accountability is the willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions and decisions. Candidates who are accountable can admit their mistakes, learn from them, and make necessary corrections. Discuss scenarios where they faced challenges and assess their level of accountability.

Assessing Attitude Traits

To evaluate these attitude traits effectively, consider using a combination of interview questions and situational assessments. Here are some interview questions to get you started:

  • “Can you share an example of a time when you faced a major setback in a project? How did you handle it, and what did you learn from the experience?”
  • “Tell me about a project where you had to collaborate with a diverse team. How did you ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members?”
  • “Describe a situation where you identified a process that could be improved in your previous job. What steps did you take to initiate that change?”

When hiring for fit, assessing attitude traits is just as critical as evaluating skills and experience. The right attitude can help candidates integrate seamlessly into your company and contribute positively to your team’s success. By focusing on these seven key attitude traits, you can build a more harmonious and productive workplace.

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4 Must Have Capabilities Legal Teams Value Most

4 Must-Have Capabilities Legal Teams Value Most

Legal teams require a diverse set of skills and capabilities to navigate complex issues and deliver effective legal counsel. Whether you are an aspiring attorney or a seasoned legal professional, it’s key to understand the capabilities that legal teams value most. Read on to explore the four key capabilities that are highly sought after in the legal field.

4 Must Have Capabilities Legal Teams Value Most

1. Legal Research and Analysis

One of the cornerstones of a successful legal career is the ability to conduct accurate legal research and analysis. Legal professionals must be adept at digging through statutes, regulations, and case law to provide clients or organizations with well-informed advice. The capacity to analyze legal documents, extract relevant information, and synthesize it into coherent arguments is invaluable.

2. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Legal issues are often multifaceted, requiring legal professionals to think critically and solve complex problems. The capability to dissect intricate legal dilemmas, identify relevant legal principles, and devise creative solutions is highly prized in the legal field. The ability to think on your feet and adapt to evolving circumstances is crucial for success.

3. Effective Communication Skills

Clear and persuasive communication is a must for legal professionals. Whether you’re drafting legal documents, presenting arguments in court, or negotiating with opposing parties, your ability to articulate ideas, thoughts, and legal concepts is pivotal. Legal teams value individuals who can communicate concisely and persuasively, both in writing and verbally.

4. Ethical and Professional Conduct

Ethical conduct is at the core of the legal profession. Legal teams highly value individuals who demonstrate unwavering ethical standards and professionalism. Upholding client confidentiality, maintaining integrity, and adhering to ethical codes are critical capabilities that legal professionals must possess.

Developing These Capabilities:

If you’re aspiring to join or advance in the legal field, here are some strategies for developing and honing these essential capabilities:

  • Education: Pursuing a degree through law school or specialized courses is the foundation of developing legal research, critical thinking, and ethical conduct skills.
  • Practice and Experience: Gaining practical experience through internships, clerkships, or entry-level legal positions allows you to apply and refine your capabilities in real-world legal settings.
  • Continuing Education: Stay current with legal developments and refine your skills through ongoing legal education and professional development opportunities.
  • Mentorship: Seek mentorship from experienced legal professionals who can provide guidance and help you develop crucial capabilities.
  • Legal Technology: Embrace the tools and resources that can streamline legal research and improve communication, helping you become more efficient and effective.

To sum it up, the legal field demands a diverse skill set that extends beyond legal knowledge. Legal research, critical thinking, effective communication, and unwavering ethical conduct are among the most valued capabilities in the profession. By developing and honing these skills, you’ll be well-equipped to succeed in the challenging and rewarding world of law.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.  

A Guide to Staffing Solutions in the Medical Field

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving healthcare industry, finding and retaining qualified professionals is crucial for the smooth operation of medical facilities. Healthcare organizations often face challenges such as staff shortages, seasonal fluctuations, and unexpected absences, which can affect patient care and overall productivity. This is where staffing solutions in the medical field play a pivotal role. In this blog, we delve into the various staffing options available and important factors to consider when choosing the right solution for your facility.

Understanding Staffing Solutions

Understanding the available staffing solutions can help medical facilities navigate staffing challenges and ensure uninterrupted operations. Below are some pointers to consider:

  • Temporary staffing is a viable solution wherein healthcare professionals are employed for short durations to promptly meet staffing requirements, including situations like vacation periods, high-demand periods, or unexpected staff shortages.
  • Permanent staffing is another alternative where healthcare professionals are recruited and placed in medical facilities for long-term employment.
  • Locum tenens is a third option providing temporary healthcare professionals who fill in for physicians or other healthcare practitioners on leave, vacation, or attending conferences.

Benefits of Staffing Solutions

Implementing staffing solutions in the medical field offers several advantages for healthcare organizations. These solutions address staffing challenges and provide access to qualified professionals while maintaining efficient operations. Here are some key benefits of implementing staffing solutions in the medical field:

  • Staffing solutions offer flexibility by providing healthcare facilities access to a diverse pool of qualified professionals to meet fluctuating demands.
  • Staffing agencies rigorously screen and evaluate candidates, ensuring that healthcare facilities can access highly skilled professionals who deliver quality care.
  • Staffing agencies handle time-consuming tasks such as recruitment, credentialing, and scheduling, allowing medical facilities to focus on patient care.

Choosing the Right Staffing Partner

Selecting the right staffing partner for your medical facility is crucial. A reliable staffing agency ensures access to qualified professionals and seamless operations. Consider these essential factors to make an informed choice:

  • Look for staffing agencies with a proven track record and experience in the medical field. Research their reputation, client testimonials, and industry affiliations.
  • Ensure the staffing agency follows stringent credentialing and compliance procedures to ensure all professionals meet the necessary licensing and regulatory requirements.
  • Assess the staffing agency’s ability to provide professionals with the specific specialties and skills required by your facility.
  • Consider the agency’s responsiveness and ability to provide timely solutions, especially during urgent staffing needs.

Best Practices for Effective Staffing

Implementing best practices is vital to ensure a well-staffed and efficient medical facility. By adopting effective strategies and approaches, healthcare organizations can enhance the recruitment, onboarding, and retention of talented professionals. Outlined below are some of the best practices to optimize your staffing processes:

  • Anticipate staffing needs in advance to allow sufficient time for recruitment and onboarding processes.
  • Clearly communicate your facility’s requirements, expectations, and organizational culture to the staffing agency to ensure a good fit.
  • Establish a strong partnership with your staffing agency, providing regular feedback and sharing insights to improve future placements.
  • Develop strategies to retain temporary staff by offering a positive work environment, competitive compensation, and growth opportunities.

Enhance Your Medical Facilities’ Operations through Effective Planning

Medical facilities can address staffing challenges and ensure a dependable workforce by weighing various staffing options, assessing their advantages, and choosing the appropriate staffing partner. By engaging in effective planning, communication, and collaboration with a reliable staffing agency, healthcare organizations can navigate the intricacies of medical field staffing and improve their overall operations.

It’s important to remember that successful staffing solutions go beyond merely filling positions; they involve finding professionals who align with your facility’s values and share a commitment to delivering exceptional patient care.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

How to Navigate a Career Change

Transitioning to a new career can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. In a world where technology and market demands constantly evolve, many individuals contemplate a change in their professional path. Whether motivated by a desire for personal growth, pursuing a long-held passion, or adapting to industry shifts, embarking on a career change requires careful planning and a proactive approach. Here are some valuable pointers to consider.

Weighing options for a potential career change

Assessing Your Current Situation:

Take the time to delve deeper into the self-assessment process. Reflect on your values, passions, and what truly motivates you. Consider what aspects of your current career are fulfilling and what areas leave you feeling unfulfilled. This introspection will help you align your new career choice with your personal values and interests.

Research and Exploration:

Expand your research beyond just industry and job market trends. Dive into specific roles and positions within your chosen field. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities, required qualifications, and potential growth opportunities. Conduct informational interviews with professionals working in your desired field to gain firsthand insights and advice.

Acquiring New Skills and Education:

Identify the specific skills and knowledge needed for your new career path. Explore various learning options, such as attending workshops, enrolling in university or college programs, or pursuing online courses. Take advantage of the vast array of resources available on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning. Additionally, consider seeking out volunteer or internship opportunities to gain practical experience in your desired field.

Building a Support Network:

In addition to mentors, professionals, and career coaches, expand your support network to include individuals who have successfully made similar career transitions. Connect with online communities, attend industry events, and join networking groups to meet like-minded individuals. Engage in conversations, ask for advice, and learn from their experiences. Building a strong support network will provide you with guidance, encouragement, and potential opportunities throughout your career change journey.

Crafting a Compelling Personal Brand:

Developing a strong personal brand is important when making a career change. Start by revamping your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that demonstrate your suitability for your new field. Leverage social media platforms to showcase your expertise and engage with industry professionals. Consider starting a blog or contributing articles to establish yourself as a thought leader in your new field. Building an online presence will help you attract the attention of potential employers and collaborators.

Taking Action and Embracing Challenges:

Embarking on a career change requires courage and perseverance. Be proactive in seeking opportunities, whether it’s applying for job openings, attending industry events, or contacting professionals for informational interviews. Embrace challenges and be prepared for potential setbacks along the way. Stay focused on your long-term goals and maintain a positive mindset throughout the process. Remember that every experience, even if it doesn’t go as planned, can provide valuable lessons and contribute to your personal growth.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

5 Expert Tips to Ace Your Next Video Interview

As the prevalence of remote work continues to rise, virtual interviews have become an increasingly popular method for employers to evaluate candidates. However, these types of interviews come with their own unique challenges, and technical difficulties can quickly undermine even the most well-prepared candidate. To help you ace your next video interview, we’ve compiled some helpful strategies that will enable you to stand out from the competition.

1) Tech Check

The foundation of any successful virtual interview is reliable technology. Prior to your interview, ensure that all your equipment is functioning correctly, your internet connection is stable, and your software is up to date.

  • Test your camera, microphone, and lighting to ensure that you are visible and audible
  • Use headphones to minimize background noise and improve sound quality
  • Identify a backup plan in case of technical difficulties, such as a phone number to call or an alternative platform to use

2) Dress For Success

Dressing appropriately is a key factor in earning respect during an interview. By presenting yourself with a high level of professionalism, you demonstrate your understanding of the importance of making a strong impression. Aim to present yourself in a manner that aligns with the company’s dress code and cultural expectations.  Just because you are conducting an interview from home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dress professionally.

  • Research the industry dress code and choose attire that is a step above the norm
  • Avoid distracting patterns, colors, or jewelry
  • Wear clothing that is comfortable and makes you feel confident

3) Prepare Thoroughly

Effective preparation is crucial for any interview, and video interviews are no exception. Thoroughly research the company and position, practice your responses to commonly asked interview questions, and prepare examples of your experience and accomplishments.

  • Familiarize yourself with the company’s mission, values, and history
  • Review the job description and ensure that you understand the role’s requirements
  • Practice your responses to common interview questions, such as those related to your experience and qualifications
  • Prepare specific examples of your accomplishments and skills
  • Ensure that you have a digital copy of your resume and any other relevant documents readily available to share

4) Use Professional Body Language

Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in video interviews, and your body language can convey confidence, interest, and professionalism. Make sure that your posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and tone of voice are appropriate and polished.

  • Maintain good posture and sit upright
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor and your hands in your lap
  • Make eye contact with the camera, rather than your own video feed
  • Speak slowly, clearly, and confidently

5) Minimize Distractions Around You

Make sure you minimize any distractions that could draw your, or the interviewers attention away from the interview.

  • Turn off any TV’s that are on in the room
  • Make sure any children or pets are being looked after in another room during the interview
  • Find a quiet room in your house or apartment and keep the door closed if possible during the interview
  • Minimize or close your email so your attention doesn’t wander during the interview

By implementing these helpful strategies, you will be well-positioned to excel on your next video interview. Remember that careful preparation, professional conduct, and a confident demeanor are keys to success.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

Networking Tips for Job Seekers

Let’s face it – looking for a job can feel like an uphill battle, leaving many overwhelmed with the process. However, there is a valuable tool at your disposal that can help alleviate this feeling and unlock hidden job opportunities: networking. By maximizing the power of networking, those on the job hunt can expand their professional connections and access potential career advancement opportunities. It also allows you to tap into the hidden job market and connect with individuals who may be able to offer valuable insights and support. Here are some useful networking tips for job seekers to take into account.

This image represents the importance of attending industry events and building meaningful relationships to help advance your career and tap into hidden job opportunities. Learn more about networking tips for job seekers.

Leverage Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become vital for those seeking a job to connect with professionals in their desired field. Knowing what social media platform is best for your industry is key. For instance, LinkedIn is a professional networking site that enables users to create profiles, showcase their skills and experience, and connect with potential employers and colleagues. Twitter and Facebook can also be valuable resources, allowing you to follow industry leaders, participate in related groups, and converse with like-minded professionals. Optimizing your profiles to accurately reflect your career goals and expertise is key to making the most of these social platforms. This will increase your chances of standing out to potential employers and forming valuable connections within your industry.

Network with Alumni

Connecting with alumni from your school or university can be a great way to gain valuable career advice, job referrals, and other resources. It may also expand your professional network, creating meaningful connections that lead to new opportunities in your industry. By networking with alumni, you can stay up to date with the latest trends and advancements in your field, as well as collaborate with past contacts to benefit your career in the long run.

Join Professional Organizations

Joining professional organizations related to your industry and attending their events and workshops is a great way to meet and connect with people in your field. These organizations often offer a range of benefits, including access to industry-specific resources, training programs, and networking events. To get the most out of your membership, it’s important to actively participate in the organization’s events.

Connect with Recruiters

One effective way to tap into job opportunities is connecting with recruiters who specialize in your industry. These professionals often have access to exclusive job openings that are not listed publicly and can provide valuable insights into job market trends. To find recruiters in your field, you can start by searching on professional networking platforms such as LinkedIn. Many recruiters actively use the platform to connect with candidates and share valuable resources as well as career opportunities.

Build Meaningful Relationships

Networking is a crucial component of any successful career journey. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to make a career change, building meaningful relationships can help you land a job and open doors to exciting new opportunities.

At the heart of networking is the art of building relationships. It’s not just about handing out business cards or sending LinkedIn invites; it’s about getting to know the people you meet and forming genuine connections. So, take the time to strike up a conversation, ask questions, and listen to what the other person says.

But don’t stop there. Follow up with your new connections after meeting or speaking with them. Take a moment to send a brief email or message to convey your appreciation. And don’t forget to show a genuine interest in their work by asking how you can help them in any way.

Building strong relationships through networking can lead to job referrals, mentorship opportunities, and other career advancements. So, the next time you’re networking or just building a connection with someone, remember to focus on making a genuine relationship. It may take some time and effort, but the rewards will be well worth it in the end.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

Salary Negotiation Tips For Job Seekers

Maximizing your earnings through salary negotiation may seem like a daunting task, but applying proven tactics can make you a more confident negotiator which can lead to better results.  Whether you’re in the midst of a job search or seeking a raise, knowing how to negotiate can increase the chances of getting what you want.  Here are some valuable pointers to consider.

Candidate using a laptop to research industry standards and determine their worth for salary negotiation

Research the Industry Standard

Prior to negotiating your salary, it’s important to research the industry standards for the position. This will give you an idea of what your peers are earning and ultimately what your market value is. You can utilize resources such as Glassdoor, Salary.com, and Payscale to gather data on the market value of comparable positions within your industry.

Know Your Worth

Once you have an idea of your market value, you need to determine what you believe your worth is based on your specific experience, skills, and qualifications. Consider what value you can bring to the company (or have brought) to decide this, and how much you would be willing to accept as a minimum salary so you know your negotiating parameters.

Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to negotiating your salary. You need to believe you are worth the amount you are asking for and clearly articulate those thoughts confidently. The employer may be less likely to take you seriously if you’re not confident and articulate with your argument.

Be Flexible

While it’s important to be confident, it’s also important to be flexible. If the employer is unable to meet your salary expectations, be willing to negotiate other benefits such as vacation time, remote work, or bonuses.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Negotiating your salary or requesting a higher compensation package can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s important to advocate for yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and be prepared to work towards a mutually beneficial agreement that satisfies both you and your potential employer. You won’t know what’s possible unless you ask.

Practice Makes Perfect

The skill of negotiation is a valuable asset that can be refined through deliberate practice. By consistently practicing with friends, family, or a professional coach, you can increase your confidence and become more comfortable with the process, increasing your likelihood of success.

Follow Up

Following up with the employer after negotiating your salary is important, whether you’re asking for a pay raise or requesting more money after receiving a job offer. By sending a brief and gracious note expressing your gratitude and enthusiasm for the role, you can demonstrate your commitment to the job and showcase your professionalism. This simple gesture not only increases your chances of success but also reinforces your standing with the employer.

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Fear of being underqualified

How to Overcome The Fear of Being Underqualified

So you found an intriguing job opportunity on one of your favorite websites. It offers a chance to take your current career to a higher level with significantly higher pay. However, you avoid making any effort to apply for the position since you feel underqualified based on the job’s requirements.  

This specific scenario remains common among candidates, even when they possess relevant experience and job skills. Here are a few insights to help you overcome this fear and subsequently put your career on the right path.

Don’t Let The Fear of Rejection Affect Your Job Search 

Many reasons exist for avoiding applying for a job because of being underqualified. The most obvious one involves the simple fear of being rejected. However, you must not let that and other similar worries influence your decision to apply. The benefits of an application – even if you don’t get the job – ultimately outweigh any negatives.

It’s Rare That an Applicant Meets 100 Percent of The Job Requirements 

If you lack the experience and specific skills detailed in a job ad, you likely aren’t alone. In fact, any candidate completely meeting a company’s requirements for their open position remains a rare occurrence. Keep this in mind if you typically suffer from low esteem, leading to the previously mentioned fear of rejection.

Any Interview Opportunity Ultimately Benefits Your Career 

If you end up getting selected to interview for an open position, you get the opportunity to impress the interviewer with your skills, experience, and personality. Use this chance to focus on the attributes you feel will be a good fit for their organization. Also, highlight your willingness to learn what it takes to thrive in the position.

In the end, companies typically value someone making a great fit within their culture. This likely trumps someone with the exact skills and experience but a poor personality. Always remember any interview provides you with meaningful experience even if you don’t get an offer.

Ultimately, never let the fear of failure influence your career growth. Whenever you find a position matching your professional dreams, simply go after it! Having a positive, proactive attitude benefits you in the long run.

Reach Out To Us

If you need help in your next job search, reach out to the insightful recruiters at the Atlantic Group. As one of the top staffing agencies in New York City, we can help take your career to even higher levels. Schedule a meeting with us as soon as possible!

How to Start a Career in IT and Succeed!

Working as a technology professional offers the chance for both interesting work and a lucrative salary. The demand for talented IT professionals also remains high despite the threat of a potential recession and economic downturn.

Let’s take a closer look at starting a career in the technology field. We cover how to qualify for many open positions as well as how to succeed once hired.

Educational Requirements for Starting a Technology Career

Obviously, qualifying for any open IT position requires at least some level of technical knowledge. While some tech jobs demand a four-year degree related to the open position, this isn’t always the case. Some entry-level positions require less rigorous qualifications, including only a two-year degree or even just an IT certification. Still, a new bachelor’s degree in a technical discipline ensures qualifying for most open entry-level tech jobs.

For example, a desktop support technician role generally requires candidates to possess a two-year IT degree or certification. For this and other similar positions, make an effort to analyze the job requirements and study those topics beforehand. Tailor your résumé to emphasize your skills and any experience matching the open position. It gives you the best chance at an interview and an eventual job offer.

Gain Relevant IT Experience 

Earning technology experience as a relatively new IT professional requires some creativity. If you want to become a programmer, volunteer on open-source projects and build your own apps. This approach helps you develop a portfolio attractive to IT hiring managers.

Even doing some charitable tech work for a local charity or non-profit helps build experience. Also, take advantage of any internship opportunities and potential freelance work to add depth to your résumé. This approach also exposes you to working in an actual technology office on real projects.

Tips For Thriving in Your First Technology Job 

As a new IT professional, you need to give extra effort to succeed in your first position. Be sure to arrive at work a bit early and stay a little extra each day. Always keep a positive attitude with your managers and coworkers.

Spend extra time each night learning everything about the tools and technologies you use in your new job. This additional work puts you squarely on a path to lifelong success as an IT professional!

Contact Us

If you need help finding a technology position, contact the expert recruiters at the Atlantic Group. As one of the top staffing agencies in New York City, we know the companies looking for technology candidates. Connect with us soon!