Tag Archives: Career Path

Ways You Can Stand Out in Your Job Search

5 Ways You Can Stand Out in Your Job Search

Landing a job in a competitive market takes more than submitting a pile of generic applications and hoping something sticks. You need to get noticed and stand out in your job search by showcasing your fit and dedication through each step in the process.

Follow these five proven strategies to help ensure you stand out in your job search and rise above other applicants.

Ways You Can Stand Out in Your Job Search

1. Customize Your Application Materials

Far too many candidates take shortcuts in submitting essentially the same resume and cover letter to every application. To stand out, you should customize these files to align with each company’s unique needs, priorities, and language.

Carefully review the job descriptions highlighting key requirements and responsibilities for which you’ll want to showcase matching experience. Research the company culture and strategic goals to incorporate relevant language in your materials as well. Personalizing shows extra effort to fit their needs.

2. Ask Thoughtful and Strategic Questions

In interviews, most candidates stick to basic questions about the job scope or company overview that could easily be answered by visiting the website. Push your inquiries to demonstrate a genuine interest in understanding their distinct challenges and objectives.

Ask smart questions that show your ability to think critically about how to achieve success in that unique role. Pose questions on goals the hiring manager hopes this role will accomplish.

3. Follow Up After the Interview

After the interview, send thank you notes to everyone you met with, reflecting on specific discussion topics that resonated with you. Share any additional insights, ideas, or qualifications you didn’t get a chance to mention that reinforce your interest and fit.

Set a reminder to check in a week later to show your eagerness to begin without being pushy if you haven’t heard back. This extra outreach leaves a lasting impression.

4. Immerse Yourself in Their Work

If possible, depending on the type of organization, gain exposure to the company’s work, whether software tools, media publications, consumer products, or other relevant offerings. The more context you have, the more thoughtful conversations and interview examples you can pull from.

Follow their thought leaders and innovators in social channels. Subscribe to key products and reports. This immersion allows you to link your experience to tangible examples of work they prioritize versus speaking generically.

5. Review All Interview Feedback

Even if you don’t get an offer after several rounds of interviews, be sure to request as much feedback as possible on assessment results and perceived areas of weakness compared to selected candidates. Study this closely to adapt your positioning, polish your skills, and refine talking points to become an even stronger contender the next go around.

Standing out doesn’t require gimmicks if you work hard on the right activities – customizing materials for fit, showing genuine interest with smart inquiries, diligently following up, immersing in their offerings and leveraging feedback. Employ these five strategies with every application and interview to ensure you shine brighter than the competition each step of the way.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

A Guide to Staffing Solutions in the Medical Field

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving healthcare industry, finding and retaining qualified professionals is crucial for the smooth operation of medical facilities. Healthcare organizations often face challenges such as staff shortages, seasonal fluctuations, and unexpected absences, which can affect patient care and overall productivity. This is where staffing solutions in the medical field play a pivotal role. In this blog, we delve into the various staffing options available and important factors to consider when choosing the right solution for your facility.

Understanding Staffing Solutions

Understanding the available staffing solutions can help medical facilities navigate staffing challenges and ensure uninterrupted operations. Below are some pointers to consider:

  • Temporary staffing is a viable solution wherein healthcare professionals are employed for short durations to promptly meet staffing requirements, including situations like vacation periods, high-demand periods, or unexpected staff shortages.
  • Permanent staffing is another alternative where healthcare professionals are recruited and placed in medical facilities for long-term employment.
  • Locum tenens is a third option providing temporary healthcare professionals who fill in for physicians or other healthcare practitioners on leave, vacation, or attending conferences.

Benefits of Staffing Solutions

Implementing staffing solutions in the medical field offers several advantages for healthcare organizations. These solutions address staffing challenges and provide access to qualified professionals while maintaining efficient operations. Here are some key benefits of implementing staffing solutions in the medical field:

  • Staffing solutions offer flexibility by providing healthcare facilities access to a diverse pool of qualified professionals to meet fluctuating demands.
  • Staffing agencies rigorously screen and evaluate candidates, ensuring that healthcare facilities can access highly skilled professionals who deliver quality care.
  • Staffing agencies handle time-consuming tasks such as recruitment, credentialing, and scheduling, allowing medical facilities to focus on patient care.

Choosing the Right Staffing Partner

Selecting the right staffing partner for your medical facility is crucial. A reliable staffing agency ensures access to qualified professionals and seamless operations. Consider these essential factors to make an informed choice:

  • Look for staffing agencies with a proven track record and experience in the medical field. Research their reputation, client testimonials, and industry affiliations.
  • Ensure the staffing agency follows stringent credentialing and compliance procedures to ensure all professionals meet the necessary licensing and regulatory requirements.
  • Assess the staffing agency’s ability to provide professionals with the specific specialties and skills required by your facility.
  • Consider the agency’s responsiveness and ability to provide timely solutions, especially during urgent staffing needs.

Best Practices for Effective Staffing

Implementing best practices is vital to ensure a well-staffed and efficient medical facility. By adopting effective strategies and approaches, healthcare organizations can enhance the recruitment, onboarding, and retention of talented professionals. Outlined below are some of the best practices to optimize your staffing processes:

  • Anticipate staffing needs in advance to allow sufficient time for recruitment and onboarding processes.
  • Clearly communicate your facility’s requirements, expectations, and organizational culture to the staffing agency to ensure a good fit.
  • Establish a strong partnership with your staffing agency, providing regular feedback and sharing insights to improve future placements.
  • Develop strategies to retain temporary staff by offering a positive work environment, competitive compensation, and growth opportunities.

Enhance Your Medical Facilities’ Operations through Effective Planning

Medical facilities can address staffing challenges and ensure a dependable workforce by weighing various staffing options, assessing their advantages, and choosing the appropriate staffing partner. By engaging in effective planning, communication, and collaboration with a reliable staffing agency, healthcare organizations can navigate the intricacies of medical field staffing and improve their overall operations.

It’s important to remember that successful staffing solutions go beyond merely filling positions; they involve finding professionals who align with your facility’s values and share a commitment to delivering exceptional patient care.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

How to Navigate a Career Change

Transitioning to a new career can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. In a world where technology and market demands constantly evolve, many individuals contemplate a change in their professional path. Whether motivated by a desire for personal growth, pursuing a long-held passion, or adapting to industry shifts, embarking on a career change requires careful planning and a proactive approach. Here are some valuable pointers to consider.

Weighing options for a potential career change

Assessing Your Current Situation:

Take the time to delve deeper into the self-assessment process. Reflect on your values, passions, and what truly motivates you. Consider what aspects of your current career are fulfilling and what areas leave you feeling unfulfilled. This introspection will help you align your new career choice with your personal values and interests.

Research and Exploration:

Expand your research beyond just industry and job market trends. Dive into specific roles and positions within your chosen field. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities, required qualifications, and potential growth opportunities. Conduct informational interviews with professionals working in your desired field to gain firsthand insights and advice.

Acquiring New Skills and Education:

Identify the specific skills and knowledge needed for your new career path. Explore various learning options, such as attending workshops, enrolling in university or college programs, or pursuing online courses. Take advantage of the vast array of resources available on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning. Additionally, consider seeking out volunteer or internship opportunities to gain practical experience in your desired field.

Building a Support Network:

In addition to mentors, professionals, and career coaches, expand your support network to include individuals who have successfully made similar career transitions. Connect with online communities, attend industry events, and join networking groups to meet like-minded individuals. Engage in conversations, ask for advice, and learn from their experiences. Building a strong support network will provide you with guidance, encouragement, and potential opportunities throughout your career change journey.

Crafting a Compelling Personal Brand:

Developing a strong personal brand is important when making a career change. Start by revamping your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that demonstrate your suitability for your new field. Leverage social media platforms to showcase your expertise and engage with industry professionals. Consider starting a blog or contributing articles to establish yourself as a thought leader in your new field. Building an online presence will help you attract the attention of potential employers and collaborators.

Taking Action and Embracing Challenges:

Embarking on a career change requires courage and perseverance. Be proactive in seeking opportunities, whether it’s applying for job openings, attending industry events, or contacting professionals for informational interviews. Embrace challenges and be prepared for potential setbacks along the way. Stay focused on your long-term goals and maintain a positive mindset throughout the process. Remember that every experience, even if it doesn’t go as planned, can provide valuable lessons and contribute to your personal growth.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

Salary Negotiation Tips For Job Seekers

Maximizing your earnings through salary negotiation may seem like a daunting task, but applying proven tactics can make you a more confident negotiator which can lead to better results.  Whether you’re in the midst of a job search or seeking a raise, knowing how to negotiate can increase the chances of getting what you want.  Here are some valuable pointers to consider.

Candidate using a laptop to research industry standards and determine their worth for salary negotiation

Research the Industry Standard

Prior to negotiating your salary, it’s important to research the industry standards for the position. This will give you an idea of what your peers are earning and ultimately what your market value is. You can utilize resources such as Glassdoor, Salary.com, and Payscale to gather data on the market value of comparable positions within your industry.

Know Your Worth

Once you have an idea of your market value, you need to determine what you believe your worth is based on your specific experience, skills, and qualifications. Consider what value you can bring to the company (or have brought) to decide this, and how much you would be willing to accept as a minimum salary so you know your negotiating parameters.

Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to negotiating your salary. You need to believe you are worth the amount you are asking for and clearly articulate those thoughts confidently. The employer may be less likely to take you seriously if you’re not confident and articulate with your argument.

Be Flexible

While it’s important to be confident, it’s also important to be flexible. If the employer is unable to meet your salary expectations, be willing to negotiate other benefits such as vacation time, remote work, or bonuses.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Negotiating your salary or requesting a higher compensation package can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s important to advocate for yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and be prepared to work towards a mutually beneficial agreement that satisfies both you and your potential employer. You won’t know what’s possible unless you ask.

Practice Makes Perfect

The skill of negotiation is a valuable asset that can be refined through deliberate practice. By consistently practicing with friends, family, or a professional coach, you can increase your confidence and become more comfortable with the process, increasing your likelihood of success.

Follow Up

Following up with the employer after negotiating your salary is important, whether you’re asking for a pay raise or requesting more money after receiving a job offer. By sending a brief and gracious note expressing your gratitude and enthusiasm for the role, you can demonstrate your commitment to the job and showcase your professionalism. This simple gesture not only increases your chances of success but also reinforces your standing with the employer.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

Fear of being underqualified

How to Overcome The Fear of Being Underqualified

So you found an intriguing job opportunity on one of your favorite websites. It offers a chance to take your current career to a higher level with significantly higher pay. However, you avoid making any effort to apply for the position since you feel underqualified based on the job’s requirements.  

This specific scenario remains common among candidates, even when they possess relevant experience and job skills. Here are a few insights to help you overcome this fear and subsequently put your career on the right path.

Don’t Let The Fear of Rejection Affect Your Job Search 

Many reasons exist for avoiding applying for a job because of being underqualified. The most obvious one involves the simple fear of being rejected. However, you must not let that and other similar worries influence your decision to apply. The benefits of an application – even if you don’t get the job – ultimately outweigh any negatives.

It’s Rare That an Applicant Meets 100 Percent of The Job Requirements 

If you lack the experience and specific skills detailed in a job ad, you likely aren’t alone. In fact, any candidate completely meeting a company’s requirements for their open position remains a rare occurrence. Keep this in mind if you typically suffer from low esteem, leading to the previously mentioned fear of rejection.

Any Interview Opportunity Ultimately Benefits Your Career 

If you end up getting selected to interview for an open position, you get the opportunity to impress the interviewer with your skills, experience, and personality. Use this chance to focus on the attributes you feel will be a good fit for their organization. Also, highlight your willingness to learn what it takes to thrive in the position.

In the end, companies typically value someone making a great fit within their culture. This likely trumps someone with the exact skills and experience but a poor personality. Always remember any interview provides you with meaningful experience even if you don’t get an offer.

Ultimately, never let the fear of failure influence your career growth. Whenever you find a position matching your professional dreams, simply go after it! Having a positive, proactive attitude benefits you in the long run.

Reach Out To Us

If you need help in your next job search, reach out to the insightful recruiters at the Atlantic Group. As one of the top staffing agencies in New York City, we can help take your career to even higher levels. Schedule a meeting with us as soon as possible!

What Exactly Are Corporate Service Positions

Corporate service positions include jobs supporting a variety of internal functions at any business. Marketing, administration, and human resources are some of the typical areas covered under the corporate service banner. Building a career in corporate services provides an opportunity for interesting work and good pay for the right candidate. 

People at work

What follows is a high-level overview of some of the functional areas within corporate services. We also cover a few job roles in each area, including both senior and entry-level positions. Use this information to get the training and experience to build a successful career as a corporate services professional.

The Broad Area of Corporate Services

Depending on the specific business, corporate services might include human resources, internal recruiting, and inside sales. However, this article focuses on the jobs categorized in the “Administrative and Corporate Services” division on our job board. Generally, a business’s human resources and administration departments include many of the positions found during a search. Typically, a few jobs in marketing are also available under this area at any one time.

Human Resources

A business’s human resources team handles aspects of employee management related to pay, benefits, and more. They also manage the staffing process, including managers from various areas within the business to help conduct interviews. Senior professionals can find work as an HR manager or a Director of People, depending on the organization. Less senior positions include working as an HR administrative assistant.


Copious opportunities typically exist within a company’s administrative division under the corporate services banner. For example, a senior-level administrative professional might qualify for a position as an executive assistant. These demanding positions require the ability to juggle many different tasks. Superior organizational abilities combined with great people skills identify the top candidates.

Administrative professionals, early in their careers, have the opportunity to work as front desk receptionists. Multiple administrative assistant positions are also usually available. A positive attitude and attention to detail benefits anyone hoping for career success in this area of corporate services.

As noted earlier, some businesses include marketing and sales functions under their corporate services banner. So if you work in these areas, be sure to take that into account when searching for positions. Remember to consider the Atlantic Group as a partner for your next job search.

Reach Out To Us

If you want to find a great corporate services position, contact the expert recruiters at the Atlantic Group. As one of the top staffing agencies in New York City, we know the companies looking for talented professionals. Connect with us at your earliest convenience.

Construction Site

Can You Get A Construction Job With No Experience? 

Construction jobs can be a great way to get your foot in the door of the construction industry. However, many people are worried that they won’t be able to get a job without any experience. In this article, we’ll talk about entry-level construction jobs and how to know if they are the right role for you. We’ll also discuss what to do if you have no construction experience and want to work in the field and go over the different experience levels you can achieve in the industry.

1. Carpentry Laborer

First, let’s look at some of the available entry-level construction jobs. One option is to work as a carpentry laborer. In this role, you will be responsible for assisting the journeyman carpenters with their work. This can include tasks such as measuring and cutting lumber, carrying materials, and helping to set up and take down the scaffolding.

2. Landscaping Laborer

Another entry-level construction job is working in landscaping. In this role, you will be responsible for helping to install and maintain landscaping features such as gardens, trees, and shrubs. This can include tasks such as digging holes, planting plants, watering plants, and spreading mulch or gravel.

3. Painting Laborer

Another job that you could consider is working as a painting laborer. In this role, you will be responsible for helping the journeyman painters with their work. This can include tasks such as preparing surfaces for painting, mixing paint, and cleaning up after the job is done.

How to know if an entry-level construction job is right for you. 

If you’re interested in an entry-level construction job but don’t know if a role is right for you, here are a few tips.

1. Do your research

Before you apply for a job, make sure to do your research about the role and the company. This way, you can be sure that it’s a job that you want and that you’re a good fit for the role.

2. Consider your skill set

When you’re considering an entry-level construction job, think about the skills that you have and whether or not they would be a good fit for the role. For example, if you’re interested in a carpentry job, you should have good hand-eye coordination and be able to use power tools.

3. Think about your goals

Another thing to consider is what you want to achieve by taking an entry-level construction job. Are you looking to gain experience in the industry? Or are you hoping to move into a leadership role eventually? Keep where you want to be in five and ten years in mind when you’re considering which job is right for you, and let it guide your present decisions.

What to do if you have no experience in construction. 

If you’re interested in working in the construction industry but don’t have any experience, there are a few things that you can do to make yourself a more attractive candidate for entry-level construction jobs.

1. Get certified

One option is to get certified in a particular construction trade. This will show potential employers that you have the skills and knowledge to do the job, even if you don’t have any real-world experience.

2. Do an internship

Another option is to do an internship with a construction company. This will allow you to learn about the industry and gain some experience in the field.

3. Get a degree

If you’re interested in working in construction management, you may want to consider getting a degree in construction management or engineering. This will give you the skills and knowledge that you need to be successful in a management role.

Different experience levels can be achieved in construction. 

1. Entry level

If you’re just starting, you’ll likely be at the entry level. In this role, you will be responsible for assisting the journeyman carpenters with their work. This can include tasks such as measuring and cutting lumber, carrying materials, and helping to set up and take down the scaffolding.

2. Journeyman

Once you have some experience under your belt, you may be able to move into a journeyman role. In this role, you will be responsible for doing the actual construction work. This can include tasks such as framing walls, installing doors and windows, and finishing surfaces.

3. Foreman

If you have a lot of experience in the construction industry, you may be able to move into a foreman role. In this role, you will be responsible for supervising other construction workers and making sure that the job is done correctly and on schedule.

4. Construction manager

If you have a lot of experience in the construction industry and some management experience, consider moving into a construction management role. In this role, you hold responsibility for overseeing all aspects of the construction project, from start to finish. This includes tasks such as creating the construction schedule, ordering materials, and hiring workers.

5. Project manager

The project manager typically boasts the highest level of authority on any construction project. As such, the construction manager reports to the project manager. It’s a client-facing role, including responsibilities that go beyond the actual construction work. These include site selection, analysis, as well as architecture, and design. Notably, strong written and verbal communication skills are a must! Experience as a construction manager definitely helps prepare you for taking on this role.

Reach Out to Us!

Do you want to start your career in construction? Explore our available opportunities now!