Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Categories: IT Recruiting


A Systems Engineer acts as the bridge that connects the hardware and the software aspect of a solution. They have major roles in both sides of the field, directly designing and implementing software as well as building the hardware. This job title is a hybrid between the two worlds and with that, there are skills and responsibilities that a Systems Engineer will need.



What Does a Systems Engineer Do?

Systems Engineers lay down the blueprint for systems to begin design, production, and actualization of valuable operations. Systems Engineers are interdisciplinary individuals who can work with both sides of the team. This not only requires them to recognize the best solutions for both the software and hardware, but it also requires that they effectively communicate between the two.


Systems Engineers are also tasked with supporting users, as well as troubleshooting software. They analyze and solve high-level service interruptions and help to maintain client/server platforms. It wouldn’t be surprising to find a Systems Engineer doing the work of a network engineer, software engineer, or systems administrator on any given day.



Skills Needed to Be A Systems Engineer:

Systems Engineers are needed in every part of the business, from the technical side to the software side. This means that a Systems Engineer must be flexible and adaptable to rapidly changing work environments.


The Technical Side:

A Systems Engineer must be well-versed in troubleshooting, analysis, networks, and systems design. Due to the fact that System Engineers need to be highly skilled, typically, employers require that they have at least a bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering or a related field.


In addition, Systems Engineers usually are typically required to have direct experience in the hardware and software they will be working with, before they can be hired. Specialization in a specific field is important.


Software development experience is also needed, as some Systems Engineers work directly with the software development team. They often help with programming as well as specification, documentation, and quality assurance of the software. This means that having solid software development skills is a must.


The Non-technical Side:

On the non-technical side, there are traits that a Systems Engineer must have in order to be effective. Those traits include excellent problem-solving skills. This includes critical thinking and the ability to analyze problems and implement solutions. This skill is invaluable to any engineer, and Systems Engineers are no exception.


Communication skills are also a must. This includes both customer service skills and the ability to work with a team. Communication is essential to be a strong Systems Engineer, as they often must liaise between hardware and software teams.


Time management is also very important. As Systems Engineers are often bouncing back and forth between tasks, they must have excellent time management skills. Understanding and meeting deadlines are skills that all engineers must have. In addition, project management skills are important as a Systems Engineer. Systems Engineers are often given the central role in large projects that involve many different aspects of the enterprise, so the ability to manage multiple elements of a project is ideal.


Demand for Systems Engineers

There is an increasing demand for Systems Engineers in all aspects of the tech industry. They are invaluable members of projects. As technology improves, so must the skills required of a Systems Engineer. Anyone who demonstrates the skills and traits comparable to being a Systems Engineer should consider making the career move.


According to Rob Friedman, the Managing Director of our technology team, “As technology continues to evolve in the workplace, systems engineering demands will continue to grow as they have from the dotcom/ecommerce era to now and in the near future.  There will always be a demand for system engineers who can optimize performance and help solve problems quickly and effectively.”


Depending on location, experience, and other factors, the salary midpoint for a Systems Engineer is $106,000. If you have the skills required and are looking for the ideal company to work with, contact us today.

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