Tag Archives: Boost Your Career

Ways You Can Stand Out in Your Job Search

5 Ways You Can Stand Out in Your Job Search

Landing a job in a competitive market takes more than submitting a pile of generic applications and hoping something sticks. You need to get noticed and stand out in your job search by showcasing your fit and dedication through each step in the process.

Follow these five proven strategies to help ensure you stand out in your job search and rise above other applicants.

Ways You Can Stand Out in Your Job Search

1. Customize Your Application Materials

Far too many candidates take shortcuts in submitting essentially the same resume and cover letter to every application. To stand out, you should customize these files to align with each company’s unique needs, priorities, and language.

Carefully review the job descriptions highlighting key requirements and responsibilities for which you’ll want to showcase matching experience. Research the company culture and strategic goals to incorporate relevant language in your materials as well. Personalizing shows extra effort to fit their needs.

2. Ask Thoughtful and Strategic Questions

In interviews, most candidates stick to basic questions about the job scope or company overview that could easily be answered by visiting the website. Push your inquiries to demonstrate a genuine interest in understanding their distinct challenges and objectives.

Ask smart questions that show your ability to think critically about how to achieve success in that unique role. Pose questions on goals the hiring manager hopes this role will accomplish.

3. Follow Up After the Interview

After the interview, send thank you notes to everyone you met with, reflecting on specific discussion topics that resonated with you. Share any additional insights, ideas, or qualifications you didn’t get a chance to mention that reinforce your interest and fit.

Set a reminder to check in a week later to show your eagerness to begin without being pushy if you haven’t heard back. This extra outreach leaves a lasting impression.

4. Immerse Yourself in Their Work

If possible, depending on the type of organization, gain exposure to the company’s work, whether software tools, media publications, consumer products, or other relevant offerings. The more context you have, the more thoughtful conversations and interview examples you can pull from.

Follow their thought leaders and innovators in social channels. Subscribe to key products and reports. This immersion allows you to link your experience to tangible examples of work they prioritize versus speaking generically.

5. Review All Interview Feedback

Even if you don’t get an offer after several rounds of interviews, be sure to request as much feedback as possible on assessment results and perceived areas of weakness compared to selected candidates. Study this closely to adapt your positioning, polish your skills, and refine talking points to become an even stronger contender the next go around.

Standing out doesn’t require gimmicks if you work hard on the right activities – customizing materials for fit, showing genuine interest with smart inquiries, diligently following up, immersing in their offerings and leveraging feedback. Employ these five strategies with every application and interview to ensure you shine brighter than the competition each step of the way.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

Salary Negotiation Tips For Job Seekers

Maximizing your earnings through salary negotiation may seem like a daunting task, but applying proven tactics can make you a more confident negotiator which can lead to better results.  Whether you’re in the midst of a job search or seeking a raise, knowing how to negotiate can increase the chances of getting what you want.  Here are some valuable pointers to consider.

Candidate using a laptop to research industry standards and determine their worth for salary negotiation

Research the Industry Standard

Prior to negotiating your salary, it’s important to research the industry standards for the position. This will give you an idea of what your peers are earning and ultimately what your market value is. You can utilize resources such as Glassdoor, Salary.com, and Payscale to gather data on the market value of comparable positions within your industry.

Know Your Worth

Once you have an idea of your market value, you need to determine what you believe your worth is based on your specific experience, skills, and qualifications. Consider what value you can bring to the company (or have brought) to decide this, and how much you would be willing to accept as a minimum salary so you know your negotiating parameters.

Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to negotiating your salary. You need to believe you are worth the amount you are asking for and clearly articulate those thoughts confidently. The employer may be less likely to take you seriously if you’re not confident and articulate with your argument.

Be Flexible

While it’s important to be confident, it’s also important to be flexible. If the employer is unable to meet your salary expectations, be willing to negotiate other benefits such as vacation time, remote work, or bonuses.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Negotiating your salary or requesting a higher compensation package can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s important to advocate for yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and be prepared to work towards a mutually beneficial agreement that satisfies both you and your potential employer. You won’t know what’s possible unless you ask.

Practice Makes Perfect

The skill of negotiation is a valuable asset that can be refined through deliberate practice. By consistently practicing with friends, family, or a professional coach, you can increase your confidence and become more comfortable with the process, increasing your likelihood of success.

Follow Up

Following up with the employer after negotiating your salary is important, whether you’re asking for a pay raise or requesting more money after receiving a job offer. By sending a brief and gracious note expressing your gratitude and enthusiasm for the role, you can demonstrate your commitment to the job and showcase your professionalism. This simple gesture not only increases your chances of success but also reinforces your standing with the employer.

Looking for work? Get connected with one of our career experts.

Accounting Skills

Top 5 Skills Every Accountant Should Have

Accounting plays a crucial role in any business or organization. The accuracy, compliance, and timeliness of financial information rely on the expertise of accountants and financial professionals. To succeed in this field, accountants must possess a range of technical and interpersonal skills. This blog post explores the top five skills that every accountant should have and explains why they are essential for success.

Analytical Skills

To analyze complex financial data and identify patterns and trends, accountants must possess strong analytical skills. This includes interpreting financial statements, detecting potential errors or inconsistencies, and making recommendations based on their findings. Additionally, accountants must be able to work with large volumes of data and simplify complex information into digestible pieces.

Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is critical in accounting since accountants must maintain high levels of accuracy and precision. They must identify errors or inconsistencies in financial data and correct them promptly. Furthermore, accountants must adhere to strict deadlines while maintaining the highest levels of accuracy.

Technical Skills

Accountants must possess high-level proficiency in financial software and other technical tools. This involves a comprehensive understanding of accounting principles and practices, working with complex financial systems and databases, and keeping-up-to-date with tax regulations and other regulatory requirements to ensure their organization is compliant.

Communication Skills

Accountants must communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and other professionals. They must explain complex financial concepts in easy-to-understand terms and work effectively with others to solve problems and achieve objectives. Strong communication skills are critical in building relationships and working collaboratively in a team-based environment.

Adaptability and Flexibility

The field of accounting is continuously evolving, and accountants must adapt to new technologies, regulations, and practices. They must work efficiently in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and adjust their work style and priorities as required. Furthermore, accountants must think creatively and find innovative solutions to complex financial problems.

Looking for an accounting job?

Explore exciting job opportunities that match your skills and expertise. Our organization is committed to hiring talented and motivated individuals who possess the skills and expertise needed to excel in this field. Apply today!

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Accounting and Finance Certifications To Help Boost Your Career!

If you’re looking for ways to boost your career, consider obtaining one of the many Accounting and Finance certifications available. These certifications can help you stand out from the competition and demonstrate your knowledge and skills in these areas. There are a variety of programs out there depending on your career goals or interests.  Let’s explore some of the options available for experienced professionals.

Accounting and Finance Certifications

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) 

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is the world’s largest anti-fraud organization and offers several certification options. The CFE credential is the most common and requires passing an exam and meeting experience requirements. There is also a Certified Financial Crimes Investigator (CFCI) credential for those interested in pursuing a career in financial crimes investigation. 

Certified Public Bookkeeper (CPB) 

The National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers offers the CPB credential, which requires passing an exam and meeting experience requirements. Some college coursework in accounting or business is recommended, but no specific degree is required.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants offers several certification options, including the CPA credential, which is the most prestigious and recognized accounting credentials in the industry.  To earn the CPA, you must pass an exam and meet some experience requirements. A bachelor’s degree in accounting is required, and you must complete 150 semester hours of college coursework (most bachelor’s programs are only 120 hours).

Certified Management Accountant (CMA)

First, the Institute of Management Accountants offers the CMA credential, which requires passing an exam and meeting experience requirements. A bachelor’s degree is required, and you must complete two continuous years of professional work experience in management accounting or financial management.

Certified Treasury Professional (CTP)

The Association for Financial Professionals offers the CTP credential, which requires passing an exam and meeting experience requirements. A bachelor’s degree is required, and you must have two years of professional work experience in a treasury or finance-related position.

The CTP® certification is best for treasury management professionals who want to continue their professional development within a treasury function.

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

The Chartered Financial Analyst Institute offers the CFA credential, which is one of the most prestigious financial analyst credentials to achieve. To earn the CFA, you must pass three exams, which cover a broad range of topics related to investment management and financial markets.  A bachelor’s degree is required, and you must have four years of professional work experience in a finance-related position.


There are a variety of certifications available for those professionals working in the accounting and finance fields.  Each certification has different requirements and provides different advancement opportunities depending on each individual’s professional goals, so be sure to research each before deciding which is best for you. Do you want to grow your career? Explore our job opportunities today!