Thursday, 03 January 2019
Categories: Blogs Resources

It can certainly be easy, when preparing for an interview, to focus on what potential questions the interviewer may ask of you and plan your answers accordingly. While this is clearly a great way to mentally prep for your interview, preparing some of your own questions is a vital step that, many times, interviewees forget.


This method of asking relevant questions to your potential employer helps you in two ways. First, the interviewer can see that you’re invested in the position and eager to find out as much as possible. Second, you’re going to learn more about the job and decide whether it’s a good fit for you.


Oftentimes, job seekers get so caught up in the idea of getting a job that they forget to consider whether it’s even a position they would want, leading them to unhappiness and therefore more job-seeking down the road. Asking relevant questions that can give you more information about a position leads you to understand the details of your potential position and workplace.


So, what questions should you be asking during an interview?


1. What does a typical day in the job look like in this role?

You should ask this question for yourself so that you can get a better understanding of the job and what you’d be doing day-to-day. A job title or description may not adequately cover the responsibilities of a role, so this should give you more insight into what’s expected of you.


2. Who would my direct supervisor be?

In the same way as the last, this question gives you a better look into your day-to-day. Most likely, you’ve interviewed with this person and are familiar with who they are and where they fall in the company. If you’re speaking to your direct report, don’t be afraid to ask what their management style is!


3. What are some of the most important factors of the culture here?

This question should give you some idea of what the company values most and allow you insight into the office environment. Are they professional or laid back? Do they value expressions of personality? Don’t be afraid to ask more specific follow-up questions along with this.


4. What qualities or attributes do you look for in someone who takes this job?

Knowing exactly what skills are needed to fill this role can help you better understand what will be expected of you when you move into the position, giving you a higher chance of success in the role.


5. Can you tell me a little bit more about the team?

Getting information about the people in your team, as well as how many teammates you have, can help you understand where your role lies in the company. Do you work alone? Are there many other people in your role? These questions can give you more insight into the position.


6. What do you like about working here?

Interviewers are trained to give overarching views of the company and culture, but personalizing the question can sometimes provide better results. Ask the interviewer about what they, specifically, like about the company and you may be surprised by the answer.


7. What’s the next step in the hiring process?

It’s only fair that you have an understanding of what the rest of the process will look like, so don’t be afraid to ask about next steps. This can include other interviews you may need to complete, the expected decision date, and possibly interviews they’re conducting with other candidates.


When preparing for your next interview, remember to not only prepare your answers, but your questions as well. Though you won’t need to bombard your interviewer with dozens of questions, feel out what other information you’d like to get and plan your questions accordingly to show your interest in the role and come away with a great understanding of what the job entails.


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