Tag Archives: Accounting

Will employers call previous employers

Will Employers Call Past Employers?

If you’re applying for a new job, you may be wondering – will my potential employer call my previous employers? Checking references is a common part of the hiring process. Below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about employers contacting your work history.

It’s Standard for Employers to Check References

The majority of employers will call your references as part of vetting you for an open position. They use these reference checks to verify your past duties, skills, and performance. Speaking with past managers or coworkers provides insights beyond what’s on your resume.

How Far Back Do Employers Check?

Many employers will contact your most recent 1-2 past jobs. Some may only check your current or previous employer. Jobs from earlier in your career are less likely to be contacted unless particularly relevant. Leadership roles, noticeable gaps in employment, and jobs you held longest often warrant a reference check.

What Questions Are Asked?

Common questions asked include confirming your employment dates, job responsibilities, strengths and weaknesses, work quality, and eligibility for rehire. Legally, past employers can only provide objective facts, not subjective opinions. Ensure your references are prepared to respond professionally.

Let Your References Know Ahead of Time

Contact your references to inform them they may be called for a reference check. Verify they still have your current contact information. Provide details on the roles you’ve applied for and share a copy of your latest resume to refresh their memory.

Consider Declining Certain References

If you left a previous job on poor terms, consider excluding them as a reference. You can decline to provide certain references if their assessment may be unfairly negative. Alternatively, you can explain the situation to the potential employer.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Avoid expressing bitterness about past jobs during new interviews. Speaking poorly about managers or coworkers reflects negatively on you. Keep discussions focused on the positive.

Reference checks are par for the course in today’s hiring landscape. By choosing appropriate references and keeping them informed, you can ensure employers get a precise depiction of your background and qualifications. With preparation, reference checks don’t have to be a source of anxiety.

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How to Write a Strong Accounting Resume That Lands Interviews

How to Write a Strong Accounting Resume That Lands Interviews

Crafting an accounting resume that catches hiring managers’ attention is crucial to landing job interviews. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to optimize your resume step-by-step to showcase your skills, achievements, and value to accounting departments.

Leverage Targeted Keywords

  • Research the job posting to identify key accounting terms like “financial reporting”, “budget analysis”, “auditing”, etc.
  • Organically incorporate these keywords into your resume. Avoid simply adding a list of keywords or skills.
  • This helps ensure your resume resonates with recruiters and hiring managers.

Emphasize Technical Accounting Skills

  • Include your expertise in GAAP principles, IFRS standards, taxation, Excel modeling, accounting software, etc.
  • Provide specifics like “Advanced user of QuickBooks and SAP, including automating key processes to improve efficiency.”
  • Mention any relevant training programs or certificates.

Structure with Relevant Headings

  • Use clear, descriptive section headers like “Professional Experience”, “Core Competencies”, “Education”, etc.
  • Place the most compelling sections like work experience at the top.
  • Organize information under headings in reverse chronological order.

Quantify Achievements with Metrics

  • Use numbers, percentages, statistics, and specific examples to demonstrate your contributions.
  • For example, “Reduced operating expenses by 10% annually through regular budget cost analysis and variance reporting.”
  • Avoid vague statements like “Participated in the annual financial audit.”

Optimize Visually for Skimmability

  • Use line spacing, indentation, and bullet points to break up dense blocks of text.
  • Implement stylistic formatting like bolding, italics, underline, and ample white space.
  • Keep it concise and scannable at 1-2 pages maximum.

Proofread Thoroughly

  • Carefully review your resume line-by-line to catch any errors.
  • Read slowly from start to finish multiple times and have others review as well.
  • Mistakes can remove you from consideration.

By showcasing your skills with relevant metrics and optimized content, you can craft a resume that grabs employers’ attention. Follow these tips to highlight your value and maximize your chances of landing accounting interviews.

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Accounting Skills

Top 5 Skills Every Accountant Should Have

Accounting plays a crucial role in any business or organization. The accuracy, compliance, and timeliness of financial information rely on the expertise of accountants and financial professionals. To succeed in this field, accountants must possess a range of technical and interpersonal skills. This blog post explores the top five skills that every accountant should have and explains why they are essential for success.

Analytical Skills

To analyze complex financial data and identify patterns and trends, accountants must possess strong analytical skills. This includes interpreting financial statements, detecting potential errors or inconsistencies, and making recommendations based on their findings. Additionally, accountants must be able to work with large volumes of data and simplify complex information into digestible pieces.

Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is critical in accounting since accountants must maintain high levels of accuracy and precision. They must identify errors or inconsistencies in financial data and correct them promptly. Furthermore, accountants must adhere to strict deadlines while maintaining the highest levels of accuracy.

Technical Skills

Accountants must possess high-level proficiency in financial software and other technical tools. This involves a comprehensive understanding of accounting principles and practices, working with complex financial systems and databases, and keeping-up-to-date with tax regulations and other regulatory requirements to ensure their organization is compliant.

Communication Skills

Accountants must communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and other professionals. They must explain complex financial concepts in easy-to-understand terms and work effectively with others to solve problems and achieve objectives. Strong communication skills are critical in building relationships and working collaboratively in a team-based environment.

Adaptability and Flexibility

The field of accounting is continuously evolving, and accountants must adapt to new technologies, regulations, and practices. They must work efficiently in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and adjust their work style and priorities as required. Furthermore, accountants must think creatively and find innovative solutions to complex financial problems.

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Accounting and Finance Certifications To Help Boost Your Career!

If you’re looking for ways to boost your career, consider obtaining one of the many Accounting and Finance certifications available. These certifications can help you stand out from the competition and demonstrate your knowledge and skills in these areas. There are a variety of programs out there depending on your career goals or interests.  Let’s explore some of the options available for experienced professionals.

Accounting and Finance Certifications

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) 

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners is the world’s largest anti-fraud organization and offers several certification options. The CFE credential is the most common and requires passing an exam and meeting experience requirements. There is also a Certified Financial Crimes Investigator (CFCI) credential for those interested in pursuing a career in financial crimes investigation. 

Certified Public Bookkeeper (CPB) 

The National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers offers the CPB credential, which requires passing an exam and meeting experience requirements. Some college coursework in accounting or business is recommended, but no specific degree is required.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants offers several certification options, including the CPA credential, which is the most prestigious and recognized accounting credentials in the industry.  To earn the CPA, you must pass an exam and meet some experience requirements. A bachelor’s degree in accounting is required, and you must complete 150 semester hours of college coursework (most bachelor’s programs are only 120 hours).

Certified Management Accountant (CMA)

First, the Institute of Management Accountants offers the CMA credential, which requires passing an exam and meeting experience requirements. A bachelor’s degree is required, and you must complete two continuous years of professional work experience in management accounting or financial management.

Certified Treasury Professional (CTP)

The Association for Financial Professionals offers the CTP credential, which requires passing an exam and meeting experience requirements. A bachelor’s degree is required, and you must have two years of professional work experience in a treasury or finance-related position.

The CTP® certification is best for treasury management professionals who want to continue their professional development within a treasury function.

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

The Chartered Financial Analyst Institute offers the CFA credential, which is one of the most prestigious financial analyst credentials to achieve. To earn the CFA, you must pass three exams, which cover a broad range of topics related to investment management and financial markets.  A bachelor’s degree is required, and you must have four years of professional work experience in a finance-related position.


There are a variety of certifications available for those professionals working in the accounting and finance fields.  Each certification has different requirements and provides different advancement opportunities depending on each individual’s professional goals, so be sure to research each before deciding which is best for you. Do you want to grow your career? Explore our job opportunities today!