
1. Create a short video. We had a candidate recently submit a video that introduced themselves, their experience and passions. As a result, we brought them in and they stood out compared to other applicants who only submitted a resume, cover letter and writing samples. It not only backs up the fact that they had videography experience that they included in their resume, but it allowed us to see a different side of the individual. Now days, a lot of people can look great on paper, but providing another medium to showcase your skills and show a bit of your personality makes a difference.


2. Create case studies. On resumes, candidates often include accomplishments from various positions. However, individuals who can pick out a few successes that correlate to the position they’re looking to land and create case study will stand out. Discuss what the problem was, the solutions and results achieved.


Steve Deckert, Sweet Tooth

Steve Deckert is the co-founder of Sweet Tooth, a tech firm where he hires marketing and software undergraduates.  To get an interview, he’s already gone through the candidate’s resume and has accepted their credentials.  At the interview stage, he is looking for two things:


1. Validate the candidate’s credentials.


2. See if the candidate’s personality is the right fit for the organization.


His tip to graduates is simple: Don’t focus so much on the credentials.  Instead, figure out what type of personality fits well within an organization.


Brian Fino, Fino Consulting

Brian Fino is the CEO of Fino Consulting, a leading provider of application design, development and consulting services to Fortune 1000 organizations.  Brian shares four unusual interview tactics that recently landed these candidates jobs:


1. The Reverse Interview – Candidates who truly interviewed me and the company were at the top of my list. One candidate showed a real curiosity about Fino’s culture, asking, ‘What makes you excited to work at Fino?’ Others showed genuine interest behind their questions by probing deeper beyond my own initial responses.


2. Collaborative Spirit – Group interviews are not only a chance to show off your individual skills, but also how well you can work on a team. We looked for collaborators and people who were more willing to work as a unit rather than trying to boast about their own accomplishments on the tasks we gave them.


John Ricco, The Atlantic Group

John Ricco is the founder of The Atlantic Group, a financial services search firm located in New York City.  Here are two simple tips from John:


Young candidates tend to wear their inexperience on their sleeve, literally. To help make yourself stand out – sit on the back of your coat during the interview. It will make your jacket appear to fit better.


Check the LinkedIn profiles of the people that you will be meeting with a few days in advance. LinkedIn will generally make users aware of who has been viewing their profiles, and it will give the hiring manager the appearance that you are doing your homework. Hopefully you are!


Original Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertfarrington/2014/07/07/15-career-experts-share-the-best-interview-tips-for-college-graduates/2/#4afa63966a77